Adventures with Mrs. Key

Monday, September 1, 2014

September Currently

I have not linked up with Farley for a currently in a long time, so I am pretty excited to do it again this month. 

I am thankful I get to listen to my children everyday. I know some people do not have that pleasure.

I am beyond excited about being done with graduate school.  I now get to use my extra time doing other fun things. 

I can remember a time when I had to work during every holiday. It is awesome to have holidays off with my children even if we just sit at home in our pajamas and eat junk all day. 

I would love to have a cleaning fairy to come in and deep clean my house. It looks pretty clean with a quick glance. Just don't get out the white gloves. 

There is absolutely nothing I need.

3 Trips
We are not big travelers. Maybe one day...If it ever happens, I would love to visit the Bahamas, Alaska, and Paris. 
I would love to visit the Bahamas because of the beautiful water, warm air, and peaceful nature. 
I watch shows on T.V. about how people live in Alaska. I would never ever want to live there because I do not like cold, but I would love to visit and leave. 
I better want to visit Paris since my ten year old daughter and her friends plan to move there when they are older. 

Go ahead: visit Farley and link up!

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