Adventures with Mrs. Key

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for the Currently.

Good Luck Charlie on Disney. I think Amy, the mom, is hilarious! I actually love the show thanks to my girls!

I love that TpT is going to start paying out monthly. I'm definitely not a huge seller, but every little bit helps. 

I have decided to start grad school this summer. 

Anyone who reads my blog knows that my husband and I both commute an hour to work and an hour home. I've been doing it for three years, and he's been doing it for several months. Our home is for sale, but we haven't had any luck selling it. :(

I'm coo-coo crazy! I registered for two grad classes in the college I graduated from. However, after really thinking about how it was going to work out, I have decided that I need to take online classes. 
1. I don't want anyone to have to give up their summer to help watch my children. 
2. I don't want to have to commute 600 miles 4 days out of the week. 
3. I don't want to sit in a chair for several hours 4 days a week. 
4. I want to be able to do my school work in the comfort of my jammies. 
5. Even of I did all of the above for the summer semester, I wouldn't have anyone to help with my kids for the fall semester. 
Therefore, I have to drop those two classes I registered for, and fill out all the info for the online college. Yep! I acted before thinking it through! It happens! At $477 per semester hour, I'm definitely going to need that monthly TpT payout! Ha!

Summer Bucket List
It's pretty simple. I want to enjoy my husband and my children. It seems like we never slow down enough to truly enjoy each other. We can do this at the beach! Probably just a couple of day trips since rooms are outrageous during the summer months. I want to also get my first online grad class completed successfully! :)

I know many of you have already linked up. If you haven't, you should. I love getting to read what everyone is up to each month. 
Remember the rule of three! 

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  1. ugh, I feel your pain about the commuting. My husband and I did the same thing for the first 3 years of marriage. We finally moved this past summer and it has been a major life changer! Sending you positive vibes in selling your home!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  2. WOW~ An hour commute must really be tough! Sometimes I want to complain about my measly 15-20 mintues! I hope your house sells soon. That would be a great weight off your shoulders!
    Good luck with the online classes.. and enjoy some family time. I can't wait to be able to hit the beach! We don't finish school here until the end of June. It makes me thankful my daughter plays softball because I get to sit in the sun!
    Have a great weekend,
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  3. Love your new blog design! Sparkly! I was excited at first about TpT paying monthly, but I am not a huge seller either and liked getting a "big" check for 3 months!

  4. My husband has commuted 100 miles a day for the last 4 years, and it's tough on EVERYONE! We've had our house for sale for the last 1.5 years to try to move closer to his job with no luck. But then guess what? He got a new job in our town! He will now be commuting .5 miles a day! So maybe your house isn't selling for a reason... :)
    Good luck with your grad classes!
    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  5. Dropping in from the May Currently. Good luck with the house selling AND the grad classes. I got my masters online several years ago. I don't think I could have done it any other way! I'm your newest follower!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten
